After an Extraction...
After a tooth extraction, it’s vital that blood clots / forms in order to prevent bleeding and initiate the healing proccess. Your dentist will recommend biting on the gauze / tissue pad for at least 30 – 45 minutes after the procedure. Persistent bleeding may require biting down on a tea bag – tea has natural ingredients that encourages blood clotting.
After a Filling(s)...
After a procedure involving fillings, parts of your child’s face may be numb. This includes: lips, tongue, cheeks and the numbness may continue for several hours after the procedure. In order to prevent biting your tongue or lip, we recommend staying away from hot beverages and food requiring lots of chewing.
After a teeth cleaning...
We advise against eating or drinking after a teeth cleaning procedure. This helps the fluoride “sink in” to the teeth, which creates stronger and healthier teeth. Avoid calcum-rich foods, such as milk, as they work against fluoride.
After a space maintainer...
We recommend waiting at least 1 hour after a space maintener procedure to resume teeth usage (eating, chewing, etc). This allows time for the space maintaner to solidify in your child’s mouth.
Once the permanent tooth begins to erupt through your child’s gums, or the space maintaner becomes loose, you can contact us to setup an appointment to remove the space maintainer.